
This function sets the current page mode in the STAAD.Pro environment.

VB Syntax

View.SetModeSectionPage modeSection, modeMainPage, modeSubPage 



An integer variable to set the current visual mode in the STAAD.Pro environment. Valid values for modeSection are the following:

  1. Pre-processor or modeling mode
  2. Post-processing mode
  3. Interactive design mode for STAAD.etc interoperability
  1. Piping mode
  2. Beava mode

An integer variable to set the current main page (the tabs on the left-hand side of the screen) in the STAAD.Pro environment.  The following are valid values for modeMainPage:

  1. Setup page
  2. Geometry page
  3. General page
  1. Node Results page
  2. Beam Result page
  3. Plate Results page
  4. Solid Results page

An integer variable to set the current sub page (within a particular main page - the tabs on the left-hand side of the screen) in the STAAD.Pro environment. The following are valid values for modeSubPage:

  1. Job Info page
  2. Beam page
  1. Plate page
  2. Solid page
  3. Property page
  4. Constant page
  5. Material page
  6. Support page
  7. Member Specifications page
  8. Load page
  1. Reaction page
  2. Displacement page
  3. Failure page
  4. Forces page
  5. Beam Stress page
  6. Plate Stress page
  7. Solid Stress page

Return Value

Returns true or false (boolean) value, signifying the success or failure of the call.

VB Example

Sub Main()
Dim bRet As Boolean
Dim bRefresh As Boolean
Dim staad As Object
  Set staad = GetObject(, "StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")
'Test pre-processing modes
  bRet = staad.View.SetInterfaceMode(1)
  If bRet Then
End If
End Sub