This function adds a node in the structure with the number specified in nNodeNo. The difference between CreateNode and AddNode is the former has an option to label the node with any user-defined number.
A long variable containing the number to assign the newly created node.
Double variables providing the nodal coordinates X, Y and Z of the nNodeNo.
Dim objOpenSTAAD As Object
Dim CoordX As Double
Dim CoordY As Double
Dim CoordZ As Double
'Get the application object
Set objOpenSTAAD = GetObject( , "StaadPro.OpenSTAAD")
CoordX = 3.0
CoordY = 2.0
CoordZ = 3.0
'Add a node (3.0, 2.0, 3.0) and call it Node # 45
objOpenSTAAD.Geometry.CreateNode 45, CoordX, CoordY, CoordZ